Interviewed by: Amanda Millirons, Assistant Public Works Director, Palm Bay
How long have you been a FCCMA member?
Since 1999
Are you an ICMA member and if so, how long?
Yes, 19 years
Please describe your areas of formal/advanced education.
- Master of Public Administration (MPA)
Shippensburg University - Bachelor of Science (History & Political Science)
Frostburg State University - International City/County Manager Association – Credentialed Manager
What is your current occupation?
City Manager
How did you become interested in public service?
Enjoy the idea of being a “Jack of all trades”; the role of a city manager fulfills that skillset. The idea of being a generalist is becoming more common in local government.
Please give a brief job description.
I am able to make a difference every day. Get the job done every day, whatever it is. The City provides many services including the following departments: Public Works, Police, Building, Growth Management, Code Enforcement, Golf Course Operations, Municipal Airport, and Parks & Recreation.
Please describe your typical day.
First, I come in and get organized. There are always one or two projects that need attention; project management is very important. I also follow up on citizen inquiries, communicate with the Council and meet with staff.
What is your favorite part of the job?
My favorite part of the job is completing major projects and the annual budget process.
What is your least favorite part of the job?
Dealing with conflict is my least favorite part of the job.
What is your most memorable experience on the job?
I was City Manager of Fort Meade when the 2004 hurricanes hit. The top priorities were getting the power back up and debris cleaned up. We had great partnerships with Lakeland, Fort Pierce, Bartow, Leesburg and Progress Energy. They all helped us with getting the power back up with our Electric Utility. The power was back up within a week (95% of customers had power). About 100,000 cubic yards of debris was collected. Polk County assisted with these efforts as well.
What are your hobbies/interest?
I am a big golfer, sports enthusiast, Washington Redskin fan, and I read a little every now and again. I also enjoy aviation.
If you could give one piece of advice to young people interested in a career in public service, what would it be?
Have patience. You will come into contact with a million different things in this career, where you have to deal with conflict to blend consensus.
Have you always been in the public sector or have you had experience in the private sector?
Yes, I have always been in the public sector.
Who were your mentors and how have you passed this information down to other young public administrators?
Since I do not have an Assistant City Manager, I pass on information to my other staff members who often take on larger roles.
I have had great mentors, some of which include:
- Bobby Green (Auburndale), Todd Hileman (my first boss), George Forbes (Jacksonville Beach).
What career would you pick if you were to pick another?
Professional golfer or sports journalist