FCCMA Student Resources


    Gain knowledge on current issues and solutions to local government administration. Enjoy member publications, webinars and training opportunities.


    Building your professional network with hundreds of members, more than 9 working committees and 23 events each year.


    Serve on FCCMA’s Student Council and other working committees to develop your leadership potential.


    Work to advance excellence and encourage growth in the professional management of local government. Gain a say in what happens through FCCMA’s advocacy efforts.


    Stand out and get noticed through FCCMA’s online platforms.


    Take advantage of cost savings for membership, conferences and regional training programs.

Join FCCMA for Only $25 a Year

Professional Development

FCCMA offers several opportunities each year for training. All training is at a reduced price for students.

  • The annual conference is held each year in May/June and provides outstanding education and networking opportunities to meet and interact with local government officials.
  • FCCMA holds at least one symposium each year. It is a full-day workshop focused on one topic such as medical marijuana or cybersecurity.
  • Regional trainings (called onsite trainings) are held all around the state.
  • FCCMA offers free webinars open to members and non-members. The webinars are held on the first Thursday from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., Eastern Time.

All trainings are posted on the FCCMA website under events and trainings.

Capstone Projects

The Florida City and County Management Association recognizes the importance of research in advancing excellence and encouraging growth in the professional management of local government. To accomplish this, the FCCMA is compiling a library of Capstone projects from Master of Public Administration candidates in Florida who have researched the challenges and issues local governments face in today’s environment.

We hope that you will contribute by submitting your Capstone project. By participating, you will provide current insights that will help local government managers make informed decisions and drive innovation in public service delivery. Capstone projects may be showcased on FCCMA’s website to recognize participants and their universities, and could lead to opportunities for mentorships or internships, as well as the potential for employment. Your Capstone project may be reviewed by both practitioner and academic members of the FCCMA based on the following criteria: contribution to the field, the quality of the research, clarity of writing, originality and creativity.

To participate, submit capstone projects to crussell@flcities.com and feel free to direct any questions to Brandon Henry, FCCMA Student Council Chair, at bhenry@cityofsafetyharbor.com.

Benefits to Joining an ICMA Student Chapter

The map on the right indicates the universities and colleges which have student chapters.

If your university or college is not listed, you can form a student chapter. Click here for more information on starting a student chapter.

Why Create a Student Chapter? To Become part of an international association of local government professionals, to stimulate student involvement in local government affairs and to provide an opportunity for developing local government management leadership among students.

This gives you access to local government jobs, building relationships with local government professionals, and learning about issues and their impact on local governments.

As a member of a student chapter, you will gain professional development and skill-building, idea exchanges, networking and mentors, and career advancement in local government in Florida.

Academic and Conference Scholarships

FCCMA offers two types of scholarships: academic scholarships and conference scholarships.

FCCMA offers up to four academic-based scholarship: including the B. Harold Farmer Scholarship and the Raymond C. Sittig Scholarship.

The scholarship recipients will be recognized at the FCCMA Annual Conference June 2-5, 2021. The recipients of the B. Harold Farmer and Raymond C. Sittig Scholarships will each receive a $5,000 scholarship. The recipients of the Aspiring Professional Manager Scholarships will each receive a $2,500 scholarship. All scholarship recipients will receive an all-expense paid trip to the Conference. The major non-monetary benefit of the scholarships is the networking opportunity available at the Conference. More than 200 city and county managers and many of their management staff attend.

The scholarships also include a one-year complimentary membership to the Florida City and County Management Association (FCCMA) and to the International City/County Management Association (ICMA).

Click here to access the application form.

The FCCMA Annual Conference Emerging Leaders Scholarship is designed to allow public administration students and entry-level city and county management professionals interested in continuing their academic and professional development as professional public managers to attend the annual conference. The FCCMA conference is a professional development program designed to promote continued education and networking opportunities in the municipal and county management profession. The scholarship is awarded to individuals once per lifetime.

The scholarship includes complimentary registration to the annual conference and hotel room,  and a one-year complimentary membership to the FCCMA. Scholarship recipients are responsible for their own travel and food. Most food is covered in the registration cost. . The hotel stay will include three nights. Recipients will be honored and recognized at the annual conference.

Click here to access the Emerging Leaders Scholarship application.