ICMA’s Next Generation Initiatives were created to attract and develop a wide and diverse group of people into the local government management profession, including students, early and mid-career professionals, and individuals from other fields. ICMA’s activities under this initiative fall under four strategies:
- Promoting awareness of the local government management profession and encouraging individuals to consider careers in the field.
- Helping new and early careerists land their first jobs in local government.
- Engaging local government management professionals in ICMA early in their careers.
- Building the leadership pipeline by engaging and developing promising individuals so they are prepared to step into leadership roles, both in local governments and ICMA.
Randy Reid, ICMA SE Regional Director, giving a presentation at the ICMA Conference in Kansas City at SE Regional Meeting on the ICMA Coaching Program Partnerships.
For more information on the ICMA Next Generation Initiatives,
visit http://icma.org/en/icma/priorities/next_generation
In most jurisdictions and agencies, the majority of managers and leaders will be retirement eligible within the next five years, if not already. Their inevitable departure creates a new urgency to develop potential successors, often on a faster track and with a shorter learning curve than ever before. In many organizations, the potential pool will be smaller than in the past.
– CPS Human Services “Building the Leadership Pipeline” Report