The ICMA Coaching Program develops webinar topics through the ICMA State Association and Outreach Coaching Partners and their affiliates. ICMA begins with suggestions received and then invites the Partners to use an online survey in November to prioritize them, advise about scheduling issues, and recommend presenters. ICMA looks for a diversity of topics and presenters from across the U.S. and avoids duplication with recent offerings from the Coaching Program or offerings from other organizations. ICMA plans to have the final program for 2018 prepared before January 1 so that your members can incorporate the webinars in talent development planning for their agencies.
Below are the topics from 2017:
* Attracting and Retaining a Dynamic Workforce
* Being a Great Coach and a Winning Player
* Best Practices in Citizen/Customer Service
* Effective Communication of Complex Issues to Public
* Strategies for Having Difficult Conversations
* Tools to Resolve Tough Issues in Your Community
Please send your suggestions to Carol Russell at