FCCMA will hold its next webinar March 3rd, 2016 from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm on “Millennials: Notable Practitioners Offer a ‘Different Perspective’.”
Our new millennium has already experienced more technology changes than the world has seen in the 20 centuries preceding it, and the number of different generations in the workplace has never been greater. These two realities have notably influenced today’s public communication networks, political perspectives, workplace misunderstandings, and social mores. The Millennial generation has grown up in this environment and many of them have a keen sense of how this environment has both confused and shaped their goals, and workplace perspectives. Jill Silverboard and Lee Feldman will share their perspectives on this generation and offer tips and strategies based upon their own experiences, both in terms of successes and failures. This is a must-attend session for all generations of people who work in local government or who aspire to do so; and who want to be successful in this ever-changing world of local government management.
- Jill Silverboard, Assistant City Manager in Clearwater and Immediate Past President of FCCMA
- Lee Feldman, City Manager of Fort Lauderdale, Past President of FCCMA and President Elect of ICMA
Access Information:
Webinar: http://florida.adobeconnect.com/coaching
Select the radio button next to the “Enter as a Guest”.
Dial-In: 1-877-685-5350
Passcode: 461944
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