FCCMA wants to feature you! FCCMA members have said that they enjoy reading about other members: how the member got started in the field, what is the member’s favorite or least favorite part of his/her job, who his/her mentors were, hobbies/interests are, etc.
A subcommittee was formed last year from the Communications Committee to reach out and ask members to answer a list of questions and the FCCMA will feature that member in the weekly E-newsletter. If one of those members reaches out to you, please fill out the form and let us feature you.
Has your city/county done something that other members would be interested in? FCCMA is looking for stories about what cities/counties are doing or awards that our members have received. Write a short article and submit it to Carol Russell to be published in the weekly E-Newsletter. Please email it to crussell@flcities.com.