Don’t miss the webinar this Thursday, March 27 from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm. The title for this webinar is: “The Affordable Care Act’s Impact on Local Government Employers.”
The presenter is Attorney Christine Worthen, of Counsel (Broad & Cassel Attorneys at Law).
This month’s webinar provides an excellent summary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA); specifically, this webinar will provide an overview of provisions already in effect, provisions effective after 2014, and the important planning opportunities available to local governments. Compliance requirements to include reporting, healthcare contributions, penalties, plan design considerations, and other critical mandates will be covered in this one hour session. This is an absolute must attend program for Managers, Human Resource Directors, and key support staff who are engaged in managing day-to-day local government benefit programs and who want to ensure they are fulfilling their responsibilities regarding this Act.
This webinar will cover ICMA Practice Area 12: Human Resources Management.
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