Please join FCCMA for a free informative webinar on November 21 from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., Eastern, exploring the various ways that governments are funding stormwater operations and capital improvements. Find out what innovative approaches governments around the State of Florida are employing to address aging infrastructures and mandates from state agencies regarding water quality.
Okaloosa County recently split an existing parkland fee for unincorporated properties to fund both parks and stormwater programming. Pinellas County’s Board of County Commissioners recently approved a Stormwater Fee for unincorporated properties based on ERUs. Other organizations are exploring the impacts of changing their Stormwater Funds from Special Revenue Funds to Enterprise Funds, covering their capital and operational costs through through user fees.
- John Hofstad, Public Works Director, Okaloosa County
- Kelli Levy, Natural Resources Section Manager, Pinellas County
- Kimball Adams, Finance Director, City of Largo
This webinar covers ICMA Practice Area 3: Functional and Operation Expertise and Planning.
All FCCMA webinars are free.
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