FCCMA kicks off this season’s webinar series with a very informative program on the policy and legal issues that Florida’s local governments have been wrangling with on the use of social media. When is it an effective tool and when is it a disaster? What case law is being developed to guide you and what is still pending and “unknown.” What circumstances dictate use of social media tools and what lessons can be learned from others? This is a must scheduled training session for those that develop local policy and for those that must recommend and implement such policy. Please join your fellow local government practitioners in this sure to be provocative and informative session.”
The panelists for this webinar are: Attorney Pat Gleason, Special Counsel for Open Government in the Attorney General’s Office and Michelle Bono, Tallahassee Assistant to the City Manager.
The webinar will be held September 19, 2013 from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm. To access the webinar, go to http://florida.acrobat.com/coaching. Select the radio button next to the “Enter as a Guest.” Dial-in: 1-877-685-5350 and the passcode is 461944.