Local governments are constantly evaluating service delivery at every level. With the great recession of the 21st century, there is an expectation that city and county managers will ensure constant review of best practices in all departments with the goal of “improving what doesn’t appear broke”. Historically, enterprise fund operations have received less scrutiny due to their “pay for themselves” financing arrangement. This FCCMA webinar examines alternative delivery for one of the largest and critically important local services that most often falls under this enterprise fund review process; alternative delivery and financing of utility services. The presenters for this webinar represent private sector companies who have experience in offering and managing alternative delivery options. This is a must attend session for managers and their utility directors. It’s a great opportunity to have real time interaction with these professionals and to ask questions that you need to be prepared to answer during important budget workshops.
The panelists for this webinar are: Robert Sheets, Government Services Group; Graig Dunlap, Dunlap & Associates; and Joe Stanton, Broad & Cassel.
ICMA Practice Area 3: Functional and Operational Expertise and Planning is the covered area.
The webinar will be held October 17, 2013 from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm. To access the webinar, go to http://florida.acrobat.com/coaching. Select the radio button next to the “Enter as a Guest.” Dial-in: 1-877-685-5350 and the passcode is 461944.