FCCMA will hold its annual dinner at the ICMA Annual Conference in Boston at the Union Oyster House, 41 Union Street, Boston, MA 02108 on Monday, September 23. Dinner is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. The buffet dinner includes chowder, salad, choice of three entrées, homemade corn bread and coffee service. RSVPs will be necessary, as FCCMA will be guaranteeing a certain number of guests. A confirmation e-mail will be sent.
The cost is $55 per person for FCCMA members and $70 per person for non-members, spouses and guests. A cash bar will be available. You can pay online at http://fccma-members.flcities.com/Core/Events/eventdetails.aspx?iKey=FCCMA_I13&TemplateType=A and click on the FCCMA Dinner link, or fax your order form with credit card payment to (850) 222-3806 or scan and email it to crussell@flcities.com
If you choose to pay online, you will need your FCCMA username and password. You have to logon before you can register.
If you are paying by check, please send your checks made payable to FCCMA with the order form by September 15. Reservations will not be accepted after this date as a guarantee must be given to the restaurant. This dinner event has always been very popular with FCCMA members. Hope to see you there.
Click here to download the reservation form.