Happy New Fiscal Year! This calendar year is rapidly passing, which usually leaves me feeling a bit sad, but a new fiscal year can bring some smiles…new goals, new ideas – and a recommitment to our local governments. Having just returned from the ICMA Conference in Phoenix, there are two items to share with you this week: I was struck by how few members-in-transition exist in other states; right now, Florida has one of the highest levels. We talked about it at the state officer roundtable, the Range Rider meeting and at the state directors’ meeting – very sobering discussion that did not have any solutions; but did point to the need for greater outreach to MITs, which your board of directors has been doing. The FCCMA also updated its MIT resource book, and if you haven’t seen it yet it is posted on our website. Several other state associations appreciated our efforts and are using it as a guide for their own MIT resources.
I also felt very challenged by some of the presenters at the ICMA conference; primarily by Jim Collins. If you haven’t read his new book, Great by Choice, I recommend it for the quick pace, great examples and Jim’s very engaging style. One of the subjects he tackles is luck: how do you respond to the luck you have? Whether good or bad, leaders have to plan and react within their given situations…and luck is one of those elements that greatly tests a leader. I was intrigued by his talk, bought the book, and read it on the very long flight home. We face many challenges and opportunities in cities, towns, villages, and counties here in Florida. Are we planning for, and reacting well to, our situations? I strive to be proactive; but Jim’s talk helped me see new areas where I can work on this skill, so I am grateful for the challenge!