A webinar will be held on Thursday, December 4 from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm. The topic discussed will be “Action Planning for Managing Local Government Projects.”
Local governments in Florida routinely adopt plans to redevelop areas, fulfill grant requirements, complete yearly capital projects and manage other large and small scale initiatives to serve their citizens. Attendees at this webinar will hear a discussion from two of Florida’s experienced local government professionals who will share their experiences and offer “tips” on how to successfully navigate the many requirements and challenges that are part of planning the implementation of these projects. Attendees will learn how to manage multiple projects and will be provided an example of a specific project that has been successfully implemented. This is an important training session for local government officials at all levels, whether you are directing the work or involved in one or more aspects of the day–to-day process. Horace McHugh and Terry Stewart will share what they have learned and answer questions from attendees in this sure to be informative program on ‘Action Planning.
This webinar will cover practice area 3: Functional & Operational Expertise & Planning.
Access Information:
Webinar: http://florida.acrobat.com/coaching
Select the radio button next to the “Enter as a Guest”.
Dial-In: 1-877-685-5350
Passcode: 461944
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