During the 2014 Legislative Session, the Florida Legislature passed and the Governor signed into law HB 7175, a transportation bill. HB 7175 provides that on or before August 31, 2014, each municipality and county that receives revenue from any parking meters or other parking time-limit devices that regulate designated parking spaces located within or along the right-of-way limits of a state road, is required to provide the Florida Transportation Commission (FTC) a written inventory of the location of each meter or device and the total revenue collected from those locations during the last three fiscal years. In addition to the written inventory, each municipality and county will inform the FTC of any pledge or commitment by the municipality or county of revenues to the payment of debt service on any bond or other debt issued by the municipality or county.
The FTC will be collecting data regarding parking meters or other parking time-limit devices that regulate designated parking spaces located within or along the right-of-way limits of a state road. This survey should be coming out over the next few weeks.
The Florida League of Cities and the FTC strongly encourage cities impacted by this legislation to collect the following data:
- The number of parking meters or parking time-limit devices located within or along the right-of-way limits of a state road.
- The location of each parking meter or parking time-limit device within or along the right-of-way limits of a state road.
- The revenue collected from those locations during fiscal years 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014.
*Please be sure to include any limitations or reasons that the data you compile may not be accurate.
Why is it extremely important that cities compile and send this information?
The law provides that if by August 31, 2014, a municipality or a county does not provide the information requested by the FTC, the Florida Department of Transportation may remove the parking meters or other parking time-limit devices that regulate designate parking spaces within or along the right-of-way limits of a state road, and all costs incurred in connection with the removal will be assessed against and collected from the municipality or county.
In addition, from July 1, 2014, through July 1, 2015 no county or municipality can install any parking meters or other parking time-limit devices that regulate designated parking spaces located within or along the right-of-way limits of a state road. However, the bill does not prohibit the replacement of meters or similar devices installed before July 1, 2014, with new devices that regulate the same designated parking space.
Should you have any questions, concerns or need any additional information, please contact Megan Sirjane-Samples, FLC Legislative Advocate, at 850-701-3655 or msirjanesamples@flcities.com.
Thank you for your participation.